The Reaction Reflection Kit is a tool that can help children better understand various life challenges and their reactions to these challenges. Children first identify the size (severity) of a problem followed by identifying the size of their reaction to that problem. Adults then help them process and explore whether these matched, or if it was an overreaction/underreaction (what size do they think the problem is now? What makes it that size?). When a misperception over the realistic size of a problem is expressed, this can lead to further discussion and understanding on why the child felt the problem was bigger than other people did, for example. When the size of the problem and the size of the reaction do not match, the accompanying poster helps kids explore and identify a variety of potential underlying factors which impacted their reaction. This tool can be helpful for all children, but particularly for those children who have excessive overreactions or underreactions to various challenges.
Comes with 5" Problem Spinner, laminated 8.5'x11" Reaction Poster, and instructions.