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The Me Magnets “Add-On Pack” is a complement to the original Me Magnets and focuses on Feelings and Gender & Sexual Identity. Choose the magnets that accurately describe and represent YOU! Blank magnets are added to create your own if needed.


I FEEL (orange): Choose the feelings magnets which represent how you feel at the present moment (or choose feelings you experience often in life). If desired, place the chosen magnets next to the MOSTLY, OFTEN, SOMEWHAT, LITTLE magnets to qualify the degree to which you feel each feeling.

I IDENTIFY (pink): Choose the magnets which represent your gender and sexual identity. If desired, place the chosen magnets next to the orange MOSTLY, OFTEN, SOMEWHAT, LITTLE magnets to represent the degree to which each feels accurate for you.


Container measures 3.75 x 2.45 x 0.9 inches

Me Magnets Add-On Pack: Gender & Sexual Identity and Feelings

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