Cognition Magnets can help clients explore, quantify, and process the various cognitions/cognitive distortions that arise following a traumatic event. Each client and trauma experience differ greatly, therefore this kit contains several tools that can be used to meet various individual emotional and developmental needs.
Included are four categories (SAFETY, VALUE, RESPONSIBILITY, and POWER) of Positive Cognition (PC) magnets in bold), four categories of Negative Cognition (NC) magnets, a 1-7 “Validity of Cognition” (VOC) scale magnet, a feelings chart (8.5"x 5.5"), a printed “SUDS” chart (8.5"x 5.5"), a Body Feelings visual aid (8.5"x 5.5"), and a downloadable checklist.
To be used by qualified professionals only.
Cognition Magnets: A Trauma Therapy Tool